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oral argument中文是什么意思

用"oral argument"造句"oral argument"怎么读"oral argument" in a sentence


  • 口头辩论


  • Because oral argument is not always granted , the attorneys must have strong writing skills
  • The case now rests once more with the supreme court , which heard oral arguments on october 10th
  • On this page , you ' ll find a link to the audio file of the oral arguments . they last about two hours
  • Meanwhile , he had worked from home for several months and missed oral arguments in a number of cases
  • On monday morning , lawyers for bush and gore laid out their oral arguments on florida ' s disputed ballot recount
  • They can refuse to consider a case , accept a case for oral argument , or decide the case summarily without a hearing4
  • Depending on the rules of the particular court , the court may decide the case based on the briefs submitted to the court or the court may schedule oral argument
  • The supreme court cases that are heard for oral argument are decided by a majority of the justices accepting one theory or opinion of the elements of the case
  • In some jurisdictions the lawyers must specifically request oral argument ; if they forget to request oral argument the court will decide the case on the briefs
  • If the court does grant oral argument , each side will typically have a limited amount of time ( 30 minutes , for example ) to present the strong points of its case and to answer questions from the judges on the appellate court
    如果法庭允许口头辩论,各方通常地拥有一段有限的时间(例如, 30分钟)来提出本案的有力的观点并且回答上诉法庭法官的提问。
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